Positive words that begin with the letter m
Positive words that begin with the letter m

positive words that begin with the letter m

knock: to strike lightly with a closed fist in order to make noise, as on a door.knit: to join together loops of yarn to make something.knee: the joint in the middle of the to light a fire, or to inspire or interest someone in something.kidney: an organ that filters unhealthy chemicals from the body.kelp: long strands of algae that form forests in the ocean.keen: sharp, either literally like a keen edge or figuratively like a keen mind.keel: the main beam at the bottom of a boat.Visual aids will help young students grasp what the words describe. Most are concrete rather than abstract, as is most appropriate for first and second graders. This early elementary word list includes words with the K sound and some that feature a silent K as the first letter. koala: a tree-living Australian marsupial that looks like a tiny bear.kite: a four-sided flat shape to fly on a windy day.kit: a set of parts for building something.kind: good and gentle or a particular type of person, place or thing.keyboard: the panel of buttons for using a computer.ketchup: a smooth spiced tomato-based sauce.keep: to hold onto, to retain for yourself or another word for a castle.kangaroo: a large Australian mammal that hops.This list of K words focuses on words that make the traditional K sound, to start young learners in pre-k and kindergarten off with vocabulary basics to build on over time. Preschool/Kindergarten Words That Start With KĮnglish abounds with simple, important K words that kids are exposed to from a young age.

Positive words that begin with the letter m