If you have been paying attention to social media, you probably already know it’s not really bringing anything, worth paying attention to, right? After all, a lot of folks are calling it X-Plane 11.60, because it’s, well, just a minor update from X-Plane 11. Having that said, what’s X-Plane 12 all about and what does it bring to the table? So, I am sorry to bring you the bad news: X-Plane 12 is not that type of revolution you may have thought it would be. I see a lot of folks out there feeling very frustrated because, in their minds, for some reason, they imagined X-Plane 12 was going to come out as a completely new, overhauled, “next-gen” (as some call it) simulator that would blow everything else out of the water. It’s not a revolutionary new version of a sim. X-Plane 12 is not a revolutionary new sim. Let’s clear the air right now and get some stuff out of the way.

I provide my thoughts and any insights I have – and a lot of unsolicited opinions, but I don’t really do any kind of review with rates, or scores and I don’t intend to start now. And, honestly, I haven’t reviewed a single sim before. In case you’re wondering why I’m just providing my initial thoughts and not a full-blown review, the product has not reached a final version yet. I’ve spent a few days using X-Plane 12 and here are my initial thoughts on it.

That’s one of the questions we see popping up a lot on several Facebook groups, forums, and social media.